Contact me

If you'd like to get in touch, you can find me on Twitter: @BritInItaly
Just look at how happy I am at the prospect of you lovely folk getting in touch.
If you would like me to write for you, please click here.


  1. Hi !!....just recieved Jan 13 "ITALIA" and here..their..there you are or here you are ??...I must get to work today BUT !!! I do look forward to "visiting" you throught !!!...this afternoon....have a wonerfull day...Ciao for now Guy Shields...Toronto Ont

  2. Good morning Amy !!!...I hope your weekend was filled with wine.....candles .....and your boyfriend waiting on you hand and foot !!!!...I have tried to comment on some of your bloggs but It seems that they are not getting to "U"....oh well....WE are enjoying your site.....I have also forwarded it to my daughters for their read as well.....daughter #2 created a blogg while we were in Italy 2 years ago...she (Lindsey) has updated abit....if you would like to hear and see a bit of out connection to Italy please have a peek......Casa Primo Sole the site...."IF" I was computer savy I no dought could send you this link here on this page BUT sorry I'm not....It is so much fun in our picola casa that I can't wait to visit again very soon....we are all hopeing to be their this year again "all-together"...keep the posts comming I am enjoying your daily of your area and your students and school would be great....Be Good !! Guy Shields

    1. Hello Guy!!
      I'm so sorry that I haven't managed to write you a nice reply until now. And you're comments are definitely here- it's just me being too laid back to read through them all properly and publish them. I've done it now though! :D I'm so happy that ou guys are enjoying the blog. I wish I could update it a bit more often, but in January even the lovely south of Italy seems a bit dark and dreay. That's January for you!! I will update as much as I can though. Keep reading! Take care and BUONA GIORNATA!! Amy :)

  3. Congrats Amy on your win in the Expat Star Awards! You SO deserved it. We'd love to schedule a profile piece with you on soon.

  4. I am so glad I found your blog!

    I think you are someone who will relate to my blog. You might be able to understand it better than others.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    I'll keep reading yours.

    M. Tipo

    1. Hi there! Yes, I had a good read of your blog and I can definitely relate to it!! :D I hope you come and visit for some more sunshine and tomatoes very soon. Buona giornata! :D

  5. Hi Amy, I have been following with great interest your 'Notes from Puglia', published in the Italia magazine. I'm an Italian living in UK and have recently set up my own travel blog and would love to organise and lead a tour in Salento, but am stuck when it comes to 'local' help and knowledge. Would you know pf anyone I might be able to contact for help? Love your blog by the way!

  6. Hi Amy, I have been following with great interest your 'Notes from Puglia', published in the Italia magazine. I'm an Italian living in UK and have recently set up my own travel blog and would love to organise and lead a tour in Salento, but am stuck when it comes to 'local' help and knowledge. Would you know pf anyone I might be able to contact for help? Love your blog by the way!

    1. Hi there! Thanks for following me via my blog and Italia magazine :) Unfortunately I don't know of any tour companies or anything down here. If there are any questions I might be able to help you with however , don't hesitate to ask! I'd love to check out your travel blog too- can you let me know the address? Have a great day!
