When I gained my EFL teaching qualification, I started the incredibly time consuming task of searching for a suitable overseas teaching job. I didn't limit my search to any particular country, or continent even, but a job in Europe was definitely something I wanted at some point. The European continent is right on the UK's doorstep, yet is so diverse and exciting. I was incredibly lucky to land myself a job at a small-but-perfectly-formed school in Puglia (for those whose Italian geography is not quite up to scratch, it's basically the 'spur' and heel of the boot). Rome is about 3 hours away by car, and then a further 2 hours by plane before I'm back in England again. Perfect. Southern Italy is wonderful, and a great place to teach English. Wherever you go, there will always be cultural differences and these may prove to be difficult to deal with at times, yet at the same time the experience is very fulfilling and incredibly interesting. So, I have decided to write the 7 most important reasons why you SHOULD teach in the south of Italy:
1. The people are generally very warm and friendly. Obviously there are exceptions anywhere you go, but the majority of my students, and people I know in the area, are simply lovely. They want to talk to you and are often very kind. Friends and family definitely look out for each other here.
2. The sunny weather puts everyone in a good mood. The winter is not perfect, but the lovely hot summer makes up for it! Teaching with the windows open and having the sun shine into the classroom puts everyone in a good mood. Happy students, happy teacher. Now's the time to blast them all with grammar!mwahaha!
sunny classroom. cute kids. (most of the time) |
3.The language is beautiful and not as difficult as you may think. I have managed to pick up quite a bit from listening to others, watching TV and trying my best to communicate in Italian. You'll get there eventually. If I can do it, anyone can! Don't ask me about the grammar however, the less said about that, the better... ;)
4. There will often be an opportunity for a siesta. Hardly anybody works in the afternoon! zzzzzz
5. Sometimes students bring food. Like cake. Or little Italian pastries. Make sure you do a lesson on food vocabulary and they will be itching to bring in their tasty specialities.
a chocolate cake made by a student. more of these please! |
6. Italians are generally easy going... and often late. Cue: extra couple of minutes to do those last minute photocopies!!
7. You will get a ton of cool points. Why? Because you are 'foreign' and 'exotic' (yes, even the Irish one with her pale legs and major tendency to burn with even a hint of weak sunshine!) and you spark interest in the community. Also, you don't live with your parents. Which is WAY cool, and unlike every other unmarried young person in the area. The downside to this though is that there's no one to do your cleaning and washing and cooking. But think positively. What's a little washing when you live in such a fantastic, sunny, buffalo mozzarella-filled country??
Italian kids are mischievous but teaching them is so much fun...again, I must stress most of the time! |
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Anyone anywhere can get a coffee mid morning. But here, the coffee is SO.MUCH.BETTER. |
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What shall we do at the weekend fellow teachers? Errmm, how about the BEACH?! |
Amy...this sounds so wonderfull....I would love to talk to you about how one can follow in your foot-steps.....I am a 56 yr old gentelman(most of the time) married to my highschool sweathart the Italian conection in my life...I LOVE everything "Italian"...on one of our trips back "home" we were able to purchase the home my wife was born in..(pretty cool)...my father in law never owned this property it was part of the deal he had with the landlord he worked for they were able to live in it while he worked the land...needless to say my wife Gerva and I and our two daughters and thier husbands are having "fun" with it....but seriousley I would love to move thier and teach english.(at the same time finaly leanr Italian)..is that posable....our home is in Castelvetere Sul Calore..just outside Avellino...3 min away from Montemorrano...my email address is 4gshields@sympatico.ca hope to talk soon...love your blog....my daughter Lindsey did a blog 2 years ago if you would like to see and hear about our lives in Italy it is .."Casa Primo Sole"...Ciao for now....Guy Shields I'm also on facebook if you partake in that venue...Ciao ciao