Sunday, 11 November 2012

Buona domenica!!

What do you like doing on Sundays?

For me, Sunday is always, always a day for doing as little as possible. Eat, sleep, be lazy. However, here in southern Italy, I do enjoy the odd passaggiata (leisurely walk) on a Sunday morning. This morning in particular, we went and had a tasty cappuccino and croissant. We bumped into friends, waved at others we know, and popped in too see my boyfriend's aunt for a while. Everyone is out and about on a Sunday morning, before the great big Sunday lunch happens.

The main reason for being in giro (out and about) on a Sunday morning is not only to enjoy the fresh air and make small talk though. Oh no. Italians have other things in mind, namely buying their dolce for said great big Sunday lunch.

As I drank my cappuccino, I marvelled not only at the gorgeous cakes on offer, but also at the amount of people who came in to buy them. Italians definitely have their priorities right. 

 So, I hope you all have a glorious, lazy Sunday, preferably full of dolce. Buona domenica a tutti!

1 comment:

  1. ooooooooooooooh i pasticcini accipicchia a me che sono a dieta! sono troppo buoni!!!! Buona Domenica anche a te cara!!!

    Baciooo *_*
