Wednesday, 18 July 2012


I've posted some photos of some tasty cakes before, but those almost pale in comparison to these beauties. They really were the best dolce I have ever tasted! Behold, the delicious dolce from the  'Pizzicato' bakery, located in Vico del Gargano (

In the end (it took ages to choose!), we decided on these fantastic creations. My personal favourites were..well, all of them. From left to right we have: Cassato siciliana, Cannolo siciliano, Sacher torta, Mousse al cioccolato, and at the front, Cestini alla frutta.

If you're in Italy, I urge you to go to this bakery. If you aren't in Italy...I urge you to get on the next plane...and go to this bakery!


  1. I wonder how fast you could send a box of these from Puglia to little old me in Canada!!!!

  2. I'd love to send you some, but in reality...I'm faaaar too golosa to have these lovelies in my possession and not eat them all immediately!! ;D

  3. When I was working near Monaco on a boat with an Italian Captain and 3 other Italian males the Captain used to have the mate or chef drive to Italy to his favourite bakery and bring back a box or two of very delicious Italian pastries mmmm

  4. Good evening Amy here as promised and I have added you to the Italian blog roll. Cakes like these are why I try to stay away from such shops. :)

    1. I try and stay away too..but it never works! ;)

  5. I'm a sucker for anything sweet! Those look amazing!

  6. It's very tempting to want to get on a plane and gorge on some of these delicacies Amy. I've discovered your blog via the IRG group. I wish you all the best with your blogging.
