Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Back to school!

I don't know about anyone else, but starting a new year at school or uni was always a great excuse to buy some amazing new stationary. Well, now I've become a teacher, I can still do this. Woohoo!

My new year has begun, and I have not only acquired some (cheap) new writing pads and folders, but have also 'customised' them with magazine cut outs.Well, I wanted them to look good- I'll be using them almost every day for the next few months...

All stationary from Lidl (yes, the section of random household bits. Bike saddles, sleeping bags, frying pans and, well, awesome stationary)


  1. Cuuuuute! I haven't got around to a new notebook yet. I didn't think ahead and I've been reduced to scraps of paper. Proper Teacher Fail : s I'll follow your lead and get right on it

  2. Also Lidl is amazing for random bits and bobs - I bought really cute sets of stickers as rewards last week

    1. Yes, get onto the stationary buying now!hehe. Lidl is awesome isn't it. Sometimes you can get the most random stuff! I love stickers too. I usually stock up on them in the UK though. Staples do good ones!

    2. Yeah next time I'm in the Uk I'm gonna stock up - especially on ones that say 'well done' or 'perfect!' for my little students.

  3. I don't have an excuse to buy cute stationary. Well, no, I have! I think we should study the whole life, don't we ;)

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I definitely follow you. Hope you follow back. I'd be happy)))

    By the way, your blog design is so cute) Who did it?

    Lia from Seoul

    1. There's always an excuse to buy cute stationary Lia!! Go for it! :D I'm now following your blog :) And my blog design is!
